QESH Meeting Minutes – April 2018

Quality Environmental Safety and Health Management Board (QESH)

Minutes of 11 April 2018 


  1. Meeting called to order by Robert Dearing at 1300.
  2. QESH meeting minutes from 14 March 2018 were reviewed and accepted as written by committee vote.
  3. Group discussed:
    1. Monthly CNRMC / Industry Teleconference.
    2. Discussion of CY18 1st Quarter trends.
      1. NASSCO QA presented by JD.
      2. NASSCO ESH presented by Robert.
      3. Code 132 presented by Mike McKean.d. CHMI Process update presented by Robert.
      4. e. WIS Process update presented by Robert.
      5. c. Robert and Mike McKean to draft message to PSSRA member companies pertaining to VPP recertification and the importance of “all hands awareness”.
    1. Action items as a result of working group;
      1. Robert and Mike McKean to draft a message to PSSRA member companies regarding VPP recertification and the importance of “all hands awareness.”

Attendees at this meeting:

Robert Dearing NASSCO 360-801-8439 rdearing@nassconorfolk.com

David Jack QED Systems 360-271-4153  djack@qedsysinc.com

Naomi Carrier QED Systems 360-340-7716  ncarrier@qedsysinc.com

Martin Lider PCE 360-361-6268  martin.lider@pceeverett.com

Reggie Banks PCE  reginald.banks@pceeverett.com

Ben Smith  IMIA  251-232-0144   bsmith@imiallc.com

Christopher Brujt PACSHIP 360-265-9365  cbrujt@pacship.com

Webster King  HII  360-405-5115   webster.king@hii-tsd.com

Mark Kipps  HII 360-340-2387  mark.kipps@hii-tsd.com

Mike McKean NWRMC c/132 360-340-5217 Kristofor.mckean@navy.mil

JD Brown  NASSCO 360-337-9286  jordan.brown@nassconorfolk.com


05/9/2018 – 1300: PSSRA QESH Meeting at NASSCO-Bremerton. 423 Pacific Ave, Suite 200.

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