COVID – Restriction of Movement – Revised Guidence

From: Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility (PSNS & IMF), Chief of the Contracting Office

Subj: Revised Restriction of Movement Guidance

Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility (PSNS & IMF) letter ser 400/358 of April 30, 2020 implemented restriction of movement (ROM) self-quarantine procedures. The ROM applies to any contractors traveling to perform work aboard a naval vessel that has the potential to expose crew members to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) ashore and at sea. ROM is also required for those traveling internationally, and those traveling from New York or New Jersey accessing PSNS & IMF Controlled Industrial Area (CIA). The two counties in the state of Connecticut identified in PSNS & IMF letter ser 440/326 of April 20, 2020 are now removed. All other contractors performing work within the CIA and not accessing naval vessels are only required to comply facility access requirements which includes responding to the daily screening questioner, having employees temperature taken and wearing of cloth face covering in all areas outlined in PSNS & IMF letter ser 440/283 of April 17, 2020.

Please see the below attachment for Official Information.

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