
btn_membershipapplication btn_membersspotlight btn_members


btn_members_mbrAny person is eligible to be an MSR Member so long as that person is actively engaged in the ship repair business in the Puget Sound Area pursuant to a current and in force Master Ship Repair Agreement executed with the Department of the Navy. New MSR members shall be admitted to membership upon approval of a two-thirds vote of all voting active members and payment of admission fee.
btn_members_joinEach MSR Member receives the following:

  • Full page business listing in our MSR Member section (up to 1000 words of text) showcasing your company’s services
  • Up to 50 additional keyword search terms (supplied by member)
  • An oversized banner graphic / header on your business profile page (size: 680px x 230px)
  • Custom banner added to the advertisement rotation at the top of the sidebar of our site


btn_members_abrAny person is eligible to be an ABR Member, who is not otherwise eligible to be an MSR Member, so long as that person is actively engaged in the ship repair business in the Puget Sound Area pursuant to a current and in force Alteration and Boat Repair Agreement executed with the Department of the Navy. New ABR members shall be admitted to membership upon a two-thirds vote of all active voting members and payment of the admission fee.

btn_members_joinEach ABR Member receives the following:

  • Full page business listing in our ABR Member section (up to 500 words of text) showcasing your company’s services
  • Up to 25 additional keyword search terms (supplied by member)
  • A banner graphic / header on your business profile page (size: 680px x 100px)
  • Custom banner added to the ABR advertisement rotation on the sidebar of our site


btn_members_associateAny persons are eligible to be an Associate Member, who are not otherwise eligible to be MSR or ABR Members, but who are engaged in the ship repair industry, provide services to the ship repair industry, or have a recognized interest in the ship repair industry in the Puget Sound Area, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, have demonstrated ability to perform ship repair, to provide services, or to support ship repair industry in a responsible manner. Such eligible persons shall be admitted to membership upon two-thirds vote of active voting members and payment of admission fee.

btn_members_joinEach Associate Member receives the following:

  • Half page business listing in our ABR Member section (up to 250 words of text) showcasing your company’s services
  • Up to 10 additional keyword search terms (supplied by member)
  • A banner graphic / header on your business profile page (size: 680px x 100px)
  • Custom banner added to the advertisement rotation at the bottom of most pages of our site


btn_members_supportingAny person is eligible to be a Supporting Member, who is not otherwise eligible to be an MSR or ABR Member, so long as that person shares the general goals of the corporation and, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, will do so in a responsible manner, New Supporting Members shall be admitted to membership upon two-thirds vote of active voting members and payment of admission fee.

btn_members_joinEach Supporting Member receives the following:

  • Half page business listing in our Supporting Member section (up to 150 words of text) showcasing your company’s services
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