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Coastal Marine Services Inc.

2255 National Ave

San Diego CA 98113

Work Phone: (619) 291-8176


Membership Level: Associate Member ($500)

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CMSI and our years of excellent workmanship and customer service have been used to insulate equipment, systems, processes, structures, as well as numerous other specially contracted projects.Structural[Bulkhead and Overhead(Hull Insulation) onboard US Naval Ships is a specialized Industry skill that CMSI has been performing for over two decades]. With quality and efficiency the work has spoke for itself making CMSI a prominent presence for both East and West Coast Ship Repair. Structural[Bulkhead and Overhead(Hull Insulation) onboard US Naval Ships is a specialized Industry skill that CMSI has been performing for over two decades]. Insulation is manufactured from a variety of materials, including cellular, fibrous, flake, granular, and reflective. Insulation is used on both high- and low-temperature applications and serves a number of functions, including protecting workers from burns on hot surfaces, lessening noise on air-handling systems (for occupant productivity and comfort in offices, for example), and maintaining the temperature of a substance in pipes or equipment to prevent more energy being used to re-heat or re-cool it when it reaches its destination. Insulating piping and equipment in commercial, institutional, and industrial facilities with fiberglass, rock-wool, and slag-wool insulation systems is perhaps the easiest and most cost-effective way to conserve energy, save money, and preserve the environment.