Workload Capacity Survey

The Puget Sound Ship Repair Association is conducting a survey of its Membership to determine the estimated workload capacity of the Puget Sound’s Ship Repair industry. We are seeking 100% participation from our membership in order to produce the most accurate and detailed workload capacity estimate. This survey has been requested by the United States Navy and may have significant implications as to major work assigned and allocated with the Pacific Northwest.

Please complete the following survey as completely as possible:

    Name of the person completing survey*

    Email address of person completing survey*

    Telephone number of the person completing survey*

    PSSRA Member Company that you represent*

    PSSRA Membership Group*

    Please provide a ROUGH ESTIMATE of your company’s CURRENT daily average number of workers who are supporting US Navy Ship Repair in Puget Sound via NWRMC Contracts

    Please provide a ROUGH ESTIMATE of your company’s MAXIMUM daily capacity of workers who could support US Navy Ship Repair surge work in Puget Sound

    Of the workers indicated above supporting NWRMC Contracts in Puget Sound, please provide a ROUGH ESTIMATE of the number residing in Everett, Bremerton, and elsewhere:




    In what specific trades and/or certifications is your company facing workforce shortages, and how many workers short is your company in each trade:





    Fiber Optic Certified Workers:

    Coatings Applicators /Surface Prep & Treatment:

    Outside Machinists:

    Inside Machinists:

    Sheet Metal Workers:

    Quality Assurance:

    Safety Professionals:


    Please provide any specific issues/challenges your company is currently experiencing that may hinder schedule achievement for US Navy work

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